Maldon District: 100 new homes in Burnham, 234 new homes to be rubber-stamped, Hasler's Mill to be demolished, and 9 more planning applications near you

By Ben Shahrabi 3rd May 2023

Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Photos: Nub News and Maldon District Council)
Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Photos: Nub News and Maldon District Council)

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.

Applications received

1. Land West of Edmond Street and Newman Drive and Benson Close, Burnham-On-Crouch

Burwest LLP & Pigeon Investment: Outline planning permission for the construction of up to 100 new homes (including bungalows, affordable housing and custom/self-build), employment development (use classes b8, e(g)(ii) and e(g)(iii)), community uses (including in use class f(2)(b)), green/blue infrastructure, access and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved

2. Land at Broad Street Green Road and Langford Road and Maypole Road, Great Totham

Countryside Partnerships PLC: Reserved matters application for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for Phase 3a for the construction of 234 residential units of planning permission 15/00419/OUT (Part outline/part detailed (hybrid) application for mixed use development including:

  1. Residential development (Use Class C3) for up to 1138 dwellings including 30% as affordable housing (Outline)
  2. Residential Care for up to 120 beds (Use Class C2) (Outline)
  3. "Neighbourhood" uses which may include retail, commercial, and community uses (Use Classes A1 and/or A2 and/or A3 and/or A4 and/or A5 and/or D1a and/or D1b) (Outline)
  4. Primary school and early years childcare facility (Use Class D1c) (Outline)
  5. A relief road between Broad Street Green Road and Langford Road (Detailed element)
  6. Formal and informal open space (including any associated sports pavilion/clubhouse) (Use Class D2e) (Outline);
  7. Construction of initial gas and electricity sub-stations (Detailed); and
  8. All associated amenity space, landscaping, parking, servicing, utilities (other than as listed in item (vii) above), footpath and cycle links, on-site drainage, and infrastructure works (Outline).

3. Land south of Wycke Hill and Limebrook Way, Maldon

Crest Nicholson: Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission 21/00889/RES (Reserved matters application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout & scale for Phase 2 of the Western Parcel of outline planning permission 20/00074/FUL (Variation of condition 10 (speed review strategy) and 20 (pedestrian/cycle crossing of Limebrook Way) on approved application 19/01134/FUL (Removal of condition 11 (details of 'Access Link Strategy') on approved planning application FUL/MAL/18/00071 (Variation of conditions 5,13,21,25,43,53,55,61,63,67, 68,69,74,81,84 on approved application OUT/MAL/14/01103 (Outline application for up to 1000 dwellings, an employment area of 3.4 hectares (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8 uses), a local centre (Use Classes A1-A5, B1a, C2, C3, D1 and D2 uses), a primary school, two early years and childcare facilities, general amenity areas and formal open space including allotments, sports playing fields, landscaping, sustainable drainage measures including landscaped storage basins and SuDs features, vehicle accesses onto the existing highway network and associated infrastructure.)) comprising the construction of 210 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), new public open space and car parking.) Amendment sought: for the arrangement of plots 131, 132, 135, 179, 182, 183, 211, 223, 224, 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 243, 255, 258, 287 to ensure that utility doors and boilers are adjacent to the relevant garage or parking bay associated with each respective plot.

4. Little House 8 Witham Road, Wickham Bishops, Witham CM8 3NQ

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement detached three bedroomed bungalow, and a detached two bedroomed bungalow both with associated access, parking and amenity. (Amendment to 22/00560/FUL)

Applications approved

1. Land north west of 2 Maldon Road, Burnham-On-Crouch

Variation of condition 1 (drawings), condition 3 (boundary treatments), condition 4 (details of soft landscaping), condition 7 (external materials), condition 14 (waste management/refuse points) and condition 18 (external plant/machinery) of reserved matters approval reference 22/00703/VARM (Variation of condition 7 (phasing plan) on reserved matters approval 20/00846/RES (Reserved matters application for the approval of appearance, scale & landscaping on approved planning application 18/00443/OUT (Create retirement community consisting of 103No. one, two and three-bedroom bungalows (class C.3), 70 bedroom two-storey care home building (class C.2) and 55 bedroom two-storey assisted living apartment building (class C.3) including affordable housing. Erect ancillary community centre, 8No. shops (class A.1) with 8No. key workers apartments over in two-storey building, two-storey medical centre (GP, dental, optician, and dispensing chemist), and construct single-storey office and Maintenance Buildings. Lay Out Amenity and Sports Facilities Including Outdoor Swimming Pool, tennis courts, allotments and open spaces. Lay out estate roads, footpaths and surface water drainage infrastructure including swales and detention Basin. Form vehicular and pedestrian accesses onto B1010 Maldon Road and Tinkers Hole, and create associated hard and soft landscaping))) to accommodate amendment to site access, revised external materials and enclosures for refuse storage and external plant/machinery.

2. Warehouse and Premises, Station Road, Maldon CM9 4LQ

Demolition of the former Hasler's Mill tower.

Plans for redevelopment of the former mill were recommended for refusal by council officers in March last year.

3. 138A High Street, Maldon

Mr & Mrs D Purdy: Retrospective application for first floor flat

4. Karingal, Chelmsford Road, Purleigh, Chelmsford CM3 6PL

Proposed extensions to the front, side and rear. A first floor extension and alterations to the external materials and fenestration, and a proposed new vehicular crossover.

Applications refused

1. Land at former Maldon Fencing Co, Burnham Road, Althorne

Outline planning permission with the matters of access and scale for consideration, for the erection of nine dwellings and a commercial building (Class E), with associated landscaping and parking to create live-work units for micro-business use.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The site is outside of any defined settlement boundary and is located where occupiers of the proposed dwellings and commercial units would be reliant on the use of private vehicles to gain access to everyday services and facilities. The development would therefore be unsustainable and is contrary to Policies S1, S8, and T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and paragraphs 7, 8, 104, 105 and 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  2. The proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the character of the area due to a density of development and plot sizes disproportionate to the existing built form and as a result of an uncharacteristically suburban relationship with the public highway. The development is therefore contrary to Policies S8, D1 and H4 of the approved Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  3. In the absence of a completed legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the necessary financial contribution towards Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy has not been secured. As a result, the development would have an adverse impact on the European designated nature conservation sites, contrary to Policies S1, D1, I1, N1 and N2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), Paragraphs 180 and 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and Essex coast Recreational Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) Habitats Regulations Assessment Strategy document 2018-2038
  4. Insufficient information has been provided on the potential vehicle trips that the proposal would generate and it has not been demonstrated that an appropriate visibility splay in accordance with the current standards could be achieved at the proposed vehicular access. Therefore as proposed the development would result in the intensification of a substandard access onto Burnham Road and an unacceptable degree of hazard to all road users to the detriment of highway safety contrary to policy T2 of the approved Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and Section 9 of the NPPF (2021).

2. The General Stores, Maldon Road, Langford CM9 4SS

Proposed rear single storey extension with parapet wall, demolish existing dilapidated outbuilding and replace with new garage, existing boundary wall demolished and replaced with new driveway and internal and external alterations.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The proposed development, by reason of its design and appearance would result in a development that would cause harm to the character and appearance of the main dwellinghouse and listed building, contrary to policies D1, D3 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
  2. The proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety for all road users as the provision of adequate visibility splays for the vehicular access proposed could not be ensured in perpetuity, contrary to policy T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan.

3. The Willows, Hackmans Lane, Purleigh CM3 6RJ

Claim for lawful development certificate for the existing use of dwelling without complying with agricultural occupancy condition imposed upon planning permission FUL/MAL/01/00044.

Reason for refusal:

The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim that on the balance of probability, that the occupier of The Willows has been living in breach of condition 4 of planning permission reference FUL/MAL/01/00044, and has not been wholly or mainly employed, or last employed, in agriculture or forestry for in excess of ten years and therefore the occupancy is not lawful within the meaning of section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

4. 5 Falkland Green, Post Office Road, Woodham Mortimer CM9 6SU

Claim for lawful development certificate for a proposed 2.4m dropped kerb

Reason for refusal:

The proposed 2.4 metre dropped kerb has not been found to be required in connection with development permitted by any Class in Part 2 to Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) (other than by Class A of this Part). The proposal would therefore require planning permission as it constitutes development under the terms of section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

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