Maldon District: 5 new bungalows in Tillingham, changes to Maldon's Queen Victoria pub, All Saints Primary School extension approved, and 6 more planning applications near you

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. Southminster Fish Bar, 11A & 13 High Street, Southminster CM0 7AA
Claim for lawful development certificate for existing use of building as a fish and chip shop.
2. Land at Vicarage Lane, Tillingham
Outline planning application for five detached single-storey dwellings with all matters reserved.
3. The Queen Victoria, Spital Road, Maldon CM9 6ED
Variation of condition 2 on approved planning permission 19/00730/FUL (Single-storey side and rear extension with first floor rear extension and amendments to boundary treatments and parking provision.)
Applications approved
1. All Saints Church of England Primary School, Highlands Drive, Maldon CM9 6HY
Single storey front extension, single storey rear extension, internal remodelling and alteration works.
The school is set to improve classrooms and accommodation, along with building a new reception area.
2. Mecoy Limited Barn, Wrekin Farm, Burnham Road, Althorne CM3 6DT
Permission for food and beverage sales falling under use class E(a) and E(b) (retail use to remain). Proposed alterations to existing building consisting of recladding elevations and roof, forming new entrance gable features, extension of public accessible retail facilities, car parking and landscaping improvements.
3. The Wheat Barn, Keelings Road, Southminster CM0 7US
Mr & Mrs Adrian Fluker: Construction of garden produce and garden equipment store on existing concrete base.
Applications refused
1. 1 Stokes Hall Farm Cottages, Burnham Road, Althorne CM3 6DS
Claim for lawful development certificate for a proposed single storey rear extension.
Reason for refusal:
The proposed single storey rear extension would not fall within the tolerances of Class A of Part 1, of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).
2. 21 The Paddocks, Great Totham, Maldon CM9 8PF
Proposed first-floor rear extension, garage conversion, internal alterations and fenestration changes.
Reasons for refusal:
The proposed development would not provide a sufficient number of off-street car parking spaces and so would fail to accommodate the parking demand that would be generated which, in turn, is likely to lead to cars parking off-site potentially causing conditions of obstruction, congestion and danger to pedestrians and other road users, contrary to Policies D1 and T2 of the Maldon District Approved Local Development Plan and the Maldon District Vehicle Parking Standards SPD.
Decisions Appealed
1. Land between Koombora and Mansfield, Victoria Road, Cold Norton
Erection of a self build detached dwelling complete with parking, landscaping and related infrastructure.
Decision Level: Delegated
Appeal allowed - 26 January 2023
Application for full award of costs made by appellant refused – 26 January 2023
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