Maldon District: 9 planning applications near you, including a dog walking field, solar panel installation and a new lake

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. Maldon MOT And Service Centre, 112 The Causeway, Maldon
Retrospective planning application for:
- 3 freestanding 'plastic object' advertisements at the front entrance of the site;
- 6 freestanding 'window' samples at the entrances of the building;
- 50 fascia signs on front and side elevations of existing building;
- 2 black LED trough flood lights above the adverts on the front elevation of the building;
- 1 wooden billboard structure attached to existing wall with 5 LED floodlights above.
2. Montrose Birchwood Road, Cock Clarks, Chelmsford CM3 6RF
An application to create a lake on a former equestrian site.
3. Police Station, West Square, Maldon CM9 5PA
Thin the crown of one large Horse Chestnut tree by 15-20%, crown lift the canopy up to 4 metres and a 1 metre selective prune, away from the building.
4. The Cottage, 16 Saltcote Maltings, Heybridge CM9 4QP
An application to install a 15-panel solar pv system on the south and west roof pitches of this property.
Applications approved
1. Brickhouse, Braxted Road, Kelvedon CO5 9BS
Replacement of glazed link passageway and rear range with single storey extension with flat and pitched roofs. Creation of a new glazed entrance area. New basement under new build areas with internal stairs. Replacement of asbestos sheet with clay tiles to existing barn roof.
2. Moors Farm, Moors Farm Chase, Little Totham CM9 8JD
An application to erect a summerhouse, along with the construction of a swimming pool.
3. Land South of Chappel Farm, Wash Lane, Little Totham
Change of use of land from agricultural field to dog walking field
Applications refused
1. Maldon MOT and Service Centre, 112 The Causeway, Maldon CM9 4LL
Retrospective planning application for construction of covered outdoor seating area/structure and black shipping container/takeaway hut at front of site.
Refused because the parking would obstruct the public footway. There would also be a loss of existing land and a change to the area's character and function. Furthermore, the proposal's design is of a poor quality, and has a utilitarian appearance. There is a high probability of flooding in the area.
2. Marsh House Farm, Lower Burnham Road, Purleigh
Two storey rear extension.
Reason for refusal: The proposed development, by reason of its scale, form, design and detailing, would result in severe harm to the significance of the listed building and surrounding countryside, contrary to policies D1 and D3 of the Local Development Plan as well as guidance contained within the NPPF and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.