Maldon District: 'seasonal attractions' in Promenade Park, Claremont Garden Centre's new cafe, 'visual clutter' on The Causeway and 9 more planning applications near you

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. Land adjacent to Fairway Cottage, Creeksea Lane, Burnham-On-Crouch
Outline planning application (with all matters reserved for future determination) for residential development of land for two dwellings (site area 0.48 hectares).
2. Maldon Wycke Solar Farm, Hall Farm land at Hazeleigh Hall Lane, Hazeleigh
Variation of Condition 4 on approved planning permission 22/00261/FUL: the construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic farm and associated infrastructure, including inverters, security cameras, fencing, access tracks and landscaping.
Condition 4 states: "Full details of the provision and subsequent retention of both hard and soft landscape works, including the boundary planting, on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to any works occurring above ground level at the application site."
3. 9 Ulting Lane, Langford CM9 6QB
An application to remove a row of conifers.
4. The Promenade Park, Park Drive, Maldon
Maldon District Council: Use of a defined area of Promenade Park for concessions in temporary structures (such as gazebos, tents, shepherd huts or small motorised vehicles) to support seasonal attractions between April and October inclusive between the hours of 10am and 10pm.
5. Spar Hill Farm, Chelmsford Road, Purleigh
An application for the construction of an outbuilding for a farm office and farm welfare facilities.
Applications approved
1. Winterdale Manor Enterprise Centre, Southminster Road, Althorne
Retrospective variation of condition 1, but excluding use class E (d) (indoor sport), (restricted to use class E(g)) on approved planning permission 20/00454/FUL. Removal of condition 1 (personal permission and restriction of use) on approved planning permission 91/00565/FUL (Retention of consent MAL/1060/89 for use of building as offices without compliance with Condition 6 - sole benefit of Powell Creative Design).
2. Allotment Gardens, South Street, Bradwell-on-Sea
Proposed two-bedroom dwellinghouse (revised) with a garden outbuilding/store.
3. The Maldon Garden Centre Limited, Claremont Garden Centre, Bryants Lane, Woodham Mortimer
Construction of a building to be used as a café, office and staff room, greenhouse, new walkway, extended car park, improved internal vehicle access, new substation, relocated polytunnel, and associated landscaping.
Applications refused
1. Maison Bleu, Burnham Road, Althorne
An application to replace the swimming pool's polytunnel covering with a solid structure.
Reason for refusal:
The proposed development, due to its size, bulk and design would result in an overly large form of development that would result in a disproportionate and incongruous addition to the site. Therefore, the proposed development would detrimentally impact and detract from the existing character and appearance of the application site and the wider area, contrary to policies S1, H4 and D1 of the Local Development Plan and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
2. Barn A at The Barn, Braxted Park Road, Great Braxted
The erection of four new build dwellings (in lieu of Prior Approval for four dwellings, subject of application COUPA/MAL/20/01316).
Resubmission of application FUL/MAL/21/01338: demolition of existing barns and the erection of four three-bedroom new build dwellings.
Reasons for Refusal:
- The site would be disconnected from services and facilities and by reason of its location, it would provide poor quality and limited access to public transportation, resulting in an increased need of private vehicle ownership. The development would therefore be unsustainable and contrary to policies S1, S8, T1 and T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
- The introduction of four residential dwellings and associated paraphernalia on the site would represent the inappropriate urbanisation of the site and would have a harmful impact on the existing character of the site and rural character of the area, to the detriment of the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside. The harm is exacerbated by the visual prominence of Plots 1 and 2 and scale of the proposed dwellings and the proposed car parking provision. The proposal is therefore considered to result in demonstrable harm to the character and appearance of the site and locality contrary to policies S1, S8, D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan as well as the principles and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
- The application does not secure the necessary financial contribution towards Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy, or an appropriate mitigation strategy to overcome the impacts of the development on the European designated nature conservation sites is provided. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that the development would not have an adverse impact on those European designated nature conservation sites, contrary to Policies S1 and I1 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the NPPF.
3. The Cottage, 16 Saltcote Maltings, Heybridge
An application for the installation of a 15-panel solar pv system to the south and west roof pitches of the property.
Reason for Refusal:
It is considered the proposed solar panels, by reason of their siting and modern appearance, would harm the heritage asset of the listed building as well as the character and appearance of the dwelling and locality, contrary of Policies D1, D3 and H4 of the Local Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.
4. Maldon MOT and Service Centre, 112 The Causeway, Maldon
Retrospective application for:
- Three freestanding 'plastic object' advertisements at the front entrance of the site
- Six freestanding 'window' samples at the entrances of the building
- 50 fascia signs on front and side elevations of existing building
- Two black LED trough flood lights above the adverts on the front elevation of the building
- One wooden billboard structure attached to existing wall with five LED floodlights above
Reasons for Refusal:
- The proliferation of advertisements at the site would result in visual clutter, which would completely dominate the existing premises by reason of their number, scale, position and design to the detriment of the visual amenity of the area contrary to Policy D6 of the approved Maldon District Local Development Plan and the NPPF.
- The advertisements are in positions encroaching into highway land and not considered to be simple, clear and legible which is likely to result in the delay or confusion of the passing of traffic to the detriment of public highway safety contrary to Policy D6 of the approved Maldon District Local Development Plan and the NPPF.