Maldon District: Community clubhouse approved in Southminster, solar panels in Heybridge, Mill Beach to open 'all year round', and 10 more planning applications near you

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. Mill Beach Resorts Limited, Mill Beach Caravan Park, Goldhanger Road, Heybridge
Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 97/00775/FUL (Extension of opening time from 1st March to 30th November) to allow all year-round holiday use of land as a caravan site.
2. The Cottage, 16 Saltcote Maltings, Heybridge CM9 4QP
Installation of a 15-panel solar pv system split over the west facing roof pitch - 5 panels - of the listed asset and the east facing roof pitch of detached garage - 10 panels.
3. The Barn, Fambridge Road, Mundon CM9 6NL
Claim for lawful development certificate for a proposed change of use of one room inside the building from an office to a hairdressing salon.
4. The Bell House, 2 Silver Street, Maldon CM9 4QE
Proposed replacement of dilapidated timber gates with new painted black metal gates.
5. Tesco, Fullbridge, Maldon CM9 4LE
Tesco PLC: New external canopy over existing Click and Collect parking bays.
Applications approved
1. King George V Playing Field, Station Road, Southminster CM0 7EW
Southminster Parish Council: Construction of a new multi-use community pavilion and clubhouse to replace existing dilapidated modular buildings, including associated car parking, soft landscaping and services infrastructure.
2. Coney Hall, Marsh Road, Burnham-On-Crouch CM0 8NG
Strutt & Parker (Farms) Ltd: Proposed agricultural building - grain store (Building 3)
3. Brooklands, Beckingham Road, Great Totham CM9 8EB
Demolition of dwelling and all outbuildings and construction of a replacement dwelling and detached cartlodge.
4. 11 Beacon Hill, Maldon CM9 6HR
Two storey rear, single storey side and rear extensions, addition of porch, internal alterations and addition of solar panels to existing roof.
5. Mobile Broadband Network Limited Communication Station T-Mobile (68101) Greenfield at Limesbrook Farm, Kelvedon Road, Tolleshunt D'arcy
An application for the removal and replacement of one 12.8m lattice tower for a proposed 20m lattice tower, the relocation of six antennas, the installation of three antennas, the installation of two 0.3m antennas, the relocation of one 0.6m dish, and the installation of two equipment cabinets with ancillary development thereto.
Prior approval granted.
Applications refused
1. Little Wycke Farm, Blind Lane, Mundon CM9 6PS
Occupation of Little Wycke Farm in breach of Condition 3 of MAL/191/77 and condition 4 of 00/00353/FUL (Agricultural occupancy) for a continuous period of time in excess of ten years.
Reason for refusal:
The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim that on the balance of probability, the occupiers of Little Wyke Farm have been living in the property in breach of condition 3 of MAL/191/77 and condition 4 of 00/00353/FUL, and have not been wholly or mainly employed, or last employed, in agriculture, for in excess of ten years and therefore the occupancy is not lawful within the meaning of section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
2. 13 Hillcrest, Mayland CM3 6AZ
Two storey rear extension.
Reasons for refusal:
- The proposed development due to its height, depth and design, would be an unsympathetic addition to the existing dwelling to the detriment of the character and appearance of the host dwelling and the surrounding area, contrary to policies D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework
- The proposed development due to its height, design, depth and proximity to the site boundary, would have an adverse impact on the amenity of the occupiers of the neighbouring dwellings to the north as a result of a loss of privacy. Therefore, the proposed development would be an unneighbourly form of development, contrary to policies D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework
3. Land Rear of 7 to 9 King Edward Avenue, Burnham-On-Crouch
Permission in principle for single dwelling.
Reason for refusal:
The development would have likely significant effects on the European designated sites as a result of recreational disturbance. Therefore, the development is considered to be 'habitats development' and as such the proposal would not comply with Article 5B (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 (as amended) and would fall foul of Policies S1 and N2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
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