Maldon District: Westcombe Park play areas and pedestrian links approved, Wedding Ceremony Room at Southminster Hall approved, new House of Delight shopfront and 5 more planning applications near you

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. House of Delight, 180-184 High Street, Maldon CM9 5BX
Upgrade of the existing front elevation including a replacement shop front (Bi-fold and new entrance doors) and windows at first floor level, new render at the first floor and the creation of external dining area.
2. Warehouse and Premises, Station Road, Maldon CM9 4LQ
An application for the demolition of the former mill tower.
3. Land North Of 48 Woodrolfe Road, Tollesbury
Variation of condition 4 (wheelchair user/accessible/adaptable dwellings) on approved planning permission 21/00702/FUL (Create residential specialist neighbourhood for older people, consisting of 25 dwellings and community hub building, with associated landscaping and infrastructure.) to allow Plot 5 to comply with Building Regulation M4(2) (accessible and adaptable) instead of M4(3) (wheelchair user dwelling)
Plans for a 25-home affordable retirement scheme in Woodrolfe Road, Tollesbury, were approved by Maldon District Council's North Western Area Planning Committee last August.
Applications approved
1. Dock, The Quay, Burnham-On-Crouch
Removal of various structures and construction of access deck, handrails and jetty to access new access bridge and floating pontoon with support piles to serve four new houseboat berths with associated mains services to shoreside.
2. Land at Broad Street Green Road and Langford Road and Maypole Road, Great Totham
Reserved Matters application for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale covering the details of strategic landscaping and infrastructure for Phases 3, 4 and 5 of the approved planning application (15/00419/OUT) comprising:
- The green corridors, open space, and attenuation features within Phases 3, 4 and 5 including those surrounding Parcels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9;
- Formal play areas, including Local Equipped Areas of Play to the north of Parcel 4 and to the east of Parcel 8 and a Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play to the east of Parcel 7;
- The section of the internal spine road which connects to both the spine road previously approved under the Reserved Matters applications of Phase 1 and 2 and to the approved Relief Road, including details of bus stops;
- The internal road to serve Parcel 9, allotments and playing field;
- Pedestrian and cycle links falling within these phases of the development including Public Rights of Way;
- The location and layout of the playing fields south of Parcel 9;
- The location and layout of the allotments together with the associated parking, means of access and enclosure;
- Proposed pumping station south of parcel 9.
Together with details pursuant to Condition 18 (tree protection), Condition 27 (bus stops), Condition 28 (footpaths and cycle routes), Condition 29 (Vehicular Parking) and Condition 31 (Landscaping) of the approved planning application 15/00419/OUT.
3. CML Microsystems Limited, Oval Park, Hatfield Road, Langford CM9 6WG
Car parking and installation of surface water drainage system.
4. Hall Farm, Hall Road, Southminster CM0 7EH
Change of use part of Southminster Hall to provide a Wedding Ceremony Room and change of use of Southminster Hall grounds to provide wedding venue to include siting of wedding reception tent and WC facilities and ancillary parking and conversion of outbuilding to ancillary bridal suite accommodation.
Applications refused
1. Proposed Outbuilding at Plains Farm, Plains Road, Great Totham
Proposed stables, tack room and feed and machinery store building.
Reason for refusal:
The standard vehicular visibility splays of 2.4m x 215m required for accesses as measured from and along the nearside carriageway edge, have not been provided. The lack of suitable visibility from the proposed access for both emerging and approaching vehicles would result in an unacceptable degree of hazard to all road users to the detriment of general highway safety contrary to policies D1 and T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
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