Wings and Wheels 2024
Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome, Hackman's lane, Purleigh, Chelmsford
UNTIL Sunday 26th May

Join us at Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome for our signature event, raising vital funds for our museum.
As part of the event, weather permitting, our own and guest aircraft will entertain and amaze in the skies above us, just like they did in 1918.
Amongst the iconic and atmospheric buildings of the last untouched and active Great War Aerodrome in Europe, hundreds of Classic cars and motorcycles will be displayed for you to enjoy. These lovingly restored vehicles come from near and far for this hugely popular event.
Opportunities to get up close and personal to the aircraft for that vital photograph will be available on the day. As will our famous Airmen's Mess Café, Bar (provided by local brewery Datum Attitude) BBQ and full access to all of our award-winning exhibitions.
This event ALWAYS sells out, so please book early to avoid disappointment .
Are you a member of a Car Club? We'd be very happy to hear from you!
We are very interested in all manner of vehicles - but space is limited and its first come, first served.
Applying to take part couldn't be simpler.
Send your completed application form with all the details filled in to [email protected] as soon as you can. Attach some good quality images of your vehicles. We will review your application and get back to you to confirm if you have a place. Drivers of the vehicles get in for no charge, all passengers must purchase a ticket.
All proceeds from this event go to saving our aerodrome - the last of its kind in the Europe!
Application forms can be downloaded from our website events page.
Are you a Display Pilot?
If you would like to support our show in the air or on the ground with an aircraft, please contact [email protected] . Please note - this is a fund-raising event.