Good Friday live music performance at St Mary's will now feature the new organ

The live music performance planned for St Mary's Church on Good Friday (2 April) will now begin with half an hour of music from the new organ.
Director of Music at the church in Church Road, Maldon, Colin Baldy, said: "I've had so many people saying what a shame it is that people haven't yet heard the new organ, that we've decided to have half an hour of organ music before the Stabat Mater on Good Friday."
The organ will be played by Richard Cook, Organist of St Edmundsbury Cathedral.
Liturgical performance of the Stabat Mater for Good Friday. A liturgical performance of the Stabat Mater will then start at 7.30pm.
Capacity in the church is limited, so booking is essential to ensure social distancing is properly maintained. Masks must be worn throughout.
The link to the Eventbrite listing can be found using the link here.