Maldon District: 110 new homes in Southminster, Halifax closure plans approved, bungalow refused, and 9 more planning applications near you

By Ben Shahrabi 17th May 2023

Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Images: Nub News, Maldon District Council and Google)
Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Images: Nub News, Maldon District Council and Google)

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.

Applications received

1. Land west of Spratts Farm, Queenborough Road, Southminster

Outline planning application (with all matters of detail reserved for future determination except for means of access) for the demolition of number 46 Queenborough Road and the erection of up to 110 dwellings (including affordable housing), with public open space, structural planting, landscaping, sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point.

2. Bairstow Eves, 20 High Street, Maldon CM9 5PJ

Variation of condition 2 on approved planning permission 21/01064/FUL (Refurbishment and extension of historic high street building to create ground floor work unit (Use Class E), a one-bedroom ground floor flat and two one-bedroom first floor flats.)

3. Forrester Park Golf and Tennis Club, Beckingham Road, Great Totham CM9 8EA

Installation of 10 lighting columns for the floodlighting of four tennis courts.

4. Leanna House, Lock Hill, Heybridge Basin

Conversion of existing workshop building to two-bedroomed residential dwelling including internal and external alterations.

Applications approved

1. Halifax, 52A High Street, Maldon CM9 5UJ

Alterations to front elevation of existing premises involving the removal of external signage, a security camera, and an external ATM.

The bank's closure was announced in January, with the branch set to shut its doors for good in June. However, there are a variety of places in Maldon where residents can still do their banking in-person.

2. The Bell Public House, The Street, Purleigh CM3 6QJ

An application for a proposed free-standing pergola.

3. St Andrews Bungalow, Maldon Road, Latchingdon CM3 6LG

Demolition of existing dwelling and garage and construction of detached dwelling.

4. Cedar House, Crouchmans Farm Road, Ulting CM9 6QS

Demolition of existing detached garage & storage building; single storey side/rear extension incorporating integral garage.

Applications refused

1. Land at Mapledean Pig Farm, Mapledean Chase, Latchingdon

An application for the construction of a chalet bungalow.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The proposed development is located outside of a defined settlement boundary and is in open countryside. The site is not considered to be in an accessible location and does not promote sustainable travel. Furthermore, by virtue of the domestication and urbanisation of the site, the proposed development is considered to appear as an incongruous form of development that is out of keeping and will erode the intrinsic beauty of the open countryside. The principle of development has, therefore, been found to be unacceptable. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1, S8, D1, H4, T1, T2 and D2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), the Maldon District Design Guide (2017), and the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021)
  2. The proposed development has not considered the context within which it will sit and will introduce a residential development of poor architectural merit, with associated domestic paraphernalia, that will be highly visible at the street scene. The residential use will appear as visually intrusive and out of keeping and will cause material harm to the character and appearance of this rural section of Mapledean Chase. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1, S8, D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), the Maldon District Design Guide (2017), and the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  3. In the absence of an accurately completed legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the necessary financial contribution towards the Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy has not been secured. As a result, the development would have an adverse impact on the European designated nature conservation sites, contrary to Policies S1, D1, N1 and N2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), and the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  4. The proposed development is located within Flood Zone 3a and the site therefore has a higher probability of flooding. The proposal is for the provision of 1no. dwelling, which is classified as 'more vulnerable' development. The policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and Policy D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) seek to direct development to areas with a lower risk of flooding. The Flood Risk Assessment (UNDA Consulting Ltd, November 2022) submitted to support the proposal does not comply with the requirements of the National Planning Practice Guidance. Further, the site-specific information submitted for consideration is inaccurate, and the Local Planning Authority is not able to apply the sequential or exception tests. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1 and D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and the National Planning Practice Guidance (first published in 2014, but regularly updated).

2. Land adjacent Rickerby, Fambridge Road, Hazeleigh

Outline application with all matters of reserved for a single storey self-build dwelling.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The site is outside of any defined settlement boundary and is located where occupiers of the proposed dwelling would be reliant on the use of private vehicles to gain access to everyday services and facilities. The development would therefore be unsustainable and is contrary to Policies S1, S8, and T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and paragraphs 7, 8, 104, 105 and 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  2. The proposed development would substantially alter the character of the area and have an unacceptable visual impact on the countryside through the urbanisation and domestication of the site, representing the erosion of the countryside of the Maldon District. The development would therefore be unacceptable and contrary to policies S1, S8, D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  3. In the absence of a completed legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the necessary financial contribution towards Essex Coast Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy has not been secured. As a result, the development would have an adverse impact on the European designated nature conservation sites, contrary to Policies S1, D1, I1, N1 and N2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), Paragraphs 180 and 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and Essex coast Recreational Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS) Habitats Regulations Assessment Strategy document 2018-2038
  4. The proposed development is located within Flood Zone 3a and is therefore of a higher probability of flooding. The proposal is for the provision of residential accommodation which is classified as a 'more vulnerable' development. Guidance within the National Planning Policy Framework and policy D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan seek to direct development to areas with a lower risk of flooding. In the absence of a satisfactory Flood Risk Assessment the proposal is considered to fail the sequential test contrary to the requirements of policy D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and Section 14 of the NPPF.

3. Land at 61 Station Road, Southminster

Demolition of existing garage and erection of two-bedroom detached dwelling.

Reason for refusal:

  1. The proposal would result in the occupiers of the host property, 61 Station Road, having an insufficient degree of parking provision which would result in a material detrimental to highway safety and a detriment to residential amenity. As such the proposal is contrary to Policies T2 and D1 of the Local Plan, the provisions of the Vehicle Parking Standards SPD November 2018 and the Maldon District Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.

4. The caravan at Bickleigh Lane, Loamy Hill Road, Tolleshunt Major CM9 8LS

The construction of a replacement dwelling.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The proposal relates to the replacement of a structure on the site which is considered to be a mobile home due to its design, lawful use and lack of permanence. Information provided with the application has not sufficiently demonstrated the mobile home is not moveable or that the additions to the mobile home cannot be removed. The proposal is therefore contrary to the 'Replacement Dwellings' section of policy H4 of the Maldon District Local Plan (2017) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) .
  2. The proposed development, by reason of its scale, location and the resultant intensification of residential development and domestication of the site, would result in an urbanising impact on the site, the surrounding area and the wider countryside. This would result in detrimental harm to the character, appearance and intrinsic beauty of the countryside, contrary to the policies contained within the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the National Planning Policy Framework (202).
  3. The Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the application does not comply with the requirements set out in the Planning Practice Guidance, Flood Risk and Coastal Change, Reference ID: 7-030-20140306 and therefore, provide a suitable basis for assessment to be made of the flood risks arising from the proposed development. The proposed development is therefore, contrary to policy D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021)

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