Maldon District: Changes to Burnham retirement community, Plume Academy workshop renovation, Plume Library repairs approved, and 8 more planning applications near you

By Ben Shahrabi

15th Mar 2023 | Local News

Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Photos: Ben Shahrabi)
Take a look at this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council. (Photos: Ben Shahrabi)

See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.

Applications received

1. Hyside Motorcycles Unit 9, Wycke Hill Business Park, Maldon CM9 6UZ

Retrospective part change of use for Class E(b) - sale of food and drink for consumption (mostly) on the premises in addition to existing use classes A1, B1, B2, B8 and sui generis.

2. The Plume School, Fambridge Road, Maldon CM9 6AB

Partial demolition and reconstruction of section of school workshop.

3. Plume Library, Market Hill, Maldon CM9 4PZ

Inner doors to tower base entrance. Permanent posts to replace temporary Acrow props to support Plume Library floor and book collection loads.

4. 19 North Road, Tollesbury, Maldon CM9 8RQ

Demolition of the existing dwelling and outbuildings and the erection of a terrace of three houses and three detached bungalows.

Applications approved

1. Land north west of 2 Maldon Road, Burnham-On-Crouch

Variation of conditions 15 (site access construction), 16, (site access layout), 17 (new footpaths) and 31 (approved drawings) on approved planning permission 18/00443/OUT:

  • Create retirement community consisting of 103 one, two and three-bedroom bungalows (class C.3), 70 bedroom two-storey care home building (class C.2) and 55 bedroom two-storey assisted living apartment building (class C.3) including affordable housing.
  • Erect ancillary community centre
  • Eight shops (class A.1) with eight key workers apartments over in two-storey building
  • Two-storey medical centre (GP, dental, optician, and dispensing chemist)
  • Construct single-storey office and Maintenance Buildings. Lay Out Amenity and Sports Facilities Including Outdoor Swimming Pool, tennis courts, allotments and open spaces.
  • Lay out estate roads, footpaths and surface water drainage infrastructure including swales and detention Basin.
  • Form vehicular and pedestrian accesses onto B1010 Maldon Road and Tinkers Hole, and create associated hard and soft landscaping) (as amended by 22/00807/NMA) to accommodate amendment to site access

2. Land at Broad Street Green Road And Langford Road And Maypole Road, Great Totham

Reserved matters application for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale for erection of three brick-built electricity substations together with associated hard and soft landscaping and a service layby pursuant to planning application 15/00419/OUT allowed on appeal APP/X1545/W/19/3230267.

3. Eastern Plot, Oval Park, Hatfield Road, Langford

Outline planning permission with the matters of Access for consideration for Business/research park for uses within Use Class E(g), together with new estate road, car parking, service areas and landscaping.

4. Land Adjacent to Fieldway, Station Road, Wickham Bishops

Single storey agricultural barn building for viticulture and use of field as vineyard.

Applications refused

1. CVC Chelmer Valve Co Limited Workshop, Scatterbrook Farm, Rectory Lane, Latchingdon CM3 6HB

An application for the erection of a warehouse.

Reasons for refusal:

  1. The site is located outside of a defined settlement boundary and is not a site allocated for existing or new employment development within the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017). The proposal has failed to justify the need for this type of development in this location, and it is considered that the development could be located elsewhere within the District. Further, the introduction of the building would harm the character and intrinsic beauty of the open countryside, and visitors to the site would be reliant on the use of the private car. Any benefits arising from the scheme would not outweigh the harm caused, and the scheme does not represent a form of sustainable development. The principle of development is therefore not acceptable, and the proposal is contrary to Policies S1, S8, E1, E4 and T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
  2. The proposal will introduce an industrial form of development that will change the character of the rural area, harming the intrinsic beauty of the open countryside. This opposes the intentions of condition no.6 of planning permission reference 07/00425/FUL, and condition no.11 of planning permission reference 09/00753/FUL. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy D1 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).

2. Land at Lyncroft Bakers Lane, Tolleshunt Major

Erection of a timber pre-fabricated single storey granny annexe for ancillary residential use associated with the dwelling.

Reason for refusal:

  1. The application fails to demonstrate that the proposal would fall within the annexe criteria as detailed within the Specialist Housing Needs SPD. The proposal would not amount to residential annex accommodation ancillary to the main dwelling house due to its siting and as the proposed accommodation would facilitate a full suite of activities for day to day living and the level of facilities would allow for a totally independent form of development from the main dwelling. As a result of this de facto change of use, the application would increase the amount of domestic paraphernalia, resulting in a harmful impact on the character of the area and a spread and an intensification of the domestic use at the site into the surrounding area, to the detriment of the character and appearance of the area. Therefore, the development is contrary to policies D1, S8 and H4 of Maldon District Local Development Plan and guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

3. Lyncroft, Bakers Lane, Tolleshunt Major CM9 8JR

Claim for lawful development certificate for a proposed siting a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling.

Reason for refusal:

  1. The proposed siting of a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling is not considered to be ancillary accommodation to the occupants of the principal dwellinghouse and is tantamount to the creation of a self-contained unit of accommodation without a degree of dependency on the host dwelling. The proposal would therefore require planning permission as it constitutes development under the terms of section 55 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

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